
Understanding The Fae

 An excerpt from Our World And Those That Dwell Within By Lorcan De Vries.

While the existence of several of the species we discussed so far are up to debate, there is no denying the presence of the fae upon our planet. They can be found anywhere where nature is allowed to run free--even to the surprised of novice botanist within the various gardens of our people's estates. They like their more knowledgeable brethren learn that nothing makes nature prosper quite like the fae. The reason for this is because fairies are connected the the wildlife that make up our planet. They speak the language of plants and animals. Anyone who has similar abilities are often referred to as Fae kissed or Fae blessed, and are chosen of the fae. But, what exactly does that mean I do not know. I have asked the fae themselves, and their only response is I will learn when one of the kissed is found. There have not been a Fae blessed for over a millennium, or so our society would have us believe.

Fairies are not good nor evil. They are not light nor dark. They are both merciful and merciless. They are both malevolent or benevolent. They can be steadfast friends or unforgiving enemies. Which they are to a person depends on the individuals. The quickest way to get on a fairy's bad side is to show ill intent for the natural environment. They are nature's protector and anyone who wishes to destroy it is the enemy. Likewise, the quickest way to get into their good graces is to stand as nature's defender or to leave them a gift. One should never hand a gift directly to a fairy himself, because this will greatly insult him. When a fairy receives a gift he is obligated to give one back, and when a gift is directly handed to him a fairy feels as if he is required to fulfill that obligation right then and there, and since most of the time he doesn't have a gift to give in return he will be insulted.

For this reason, it is best if one left the gift out where the fae can find it, and allow him to pay it back at his leisure. It will be paid back. A fae always pays his debt, whether to his closest friend, worst enemy, or anyone in between. The thing that many novice dealing with fairies forget is the fae pay these debts at their own time. They will not fulfill them at the speed that one might desire. Showing impatience towards a debt owed is a good way to insult a fae, because to a fairy being impatient towards a debt owed is questioning his honor. Another way to insult a fae's honor is to basically call one a liar. This can be done by either simply saying that something a fae has said is untrue or implying that he have not kept a promise. Fairies cannot lie in the traditional sense of the word, but they can distort the truth in such a way that calling it anything but a lie would itself be a lie. Not only that fairies are bond by their words. They keep every promise and deal they ever make, through not always in the manner that one might have hoped. When making a deal with a fairy one should be careful with their wording because a fairy will often turn it into something quite unlike what one intended if they are not.

As I have mentioned before fairies can be found anywhere that nature is allowed to run free, but they do have their favored environments. Anywhere wooded seems to be the places that fairies love the most. The center of fae society is The Forbidden Forest. Yes, the very same one that the witch of the woods is said to dwell. It is said that the fairies started their existence within this forest, and it was they who first made entering it the perilous endeavor it is today. Fairies, however, view it very different. To them, The Forbidden Forest is simply home. No matter where a fairy is born he will always make the journey to The Forbidden Forest, at least once in his lifetime but many will make this journey countless times. The fae city within the middle of this forest is said to be the most spectacular city anyone could lay their eyes upon, and a fairy friend says that someday soon I will witness with my own eyes the truth of these words, through I should remember not to expect to see a city like any I have encountered before.

This is sound advice for any whom stumble upon any fae city and not just the one in the center of The Forbidden Forest. Fairies do not do well in urban settings as we know them. These places are quite toxic to them. It outright kills weaker fairies, and makes even the strongest ones feel slightly unwell. The longer a fairy stays within these urban setting the stronger these toxic effects become, but it still wont outright kill the strongest fairy no matter how long he finds himself within these settings. Instead, it seems to affect the fairy's mind--driving him for a lack of a better word insane. These mental damages do not have to be permanent, through. If one finds a fairy who has been inflected with this ailment all they simply need to do is bring the fae in question to others of his kind. Actually, the same could be said if one finds a fae suffering from any ailment. The reason for this is fairies heal just by being surrounded by others of their kind, and if this does not work the sick fairy will be taken to the city within The Forbidden Forest to be healed by the first of their kind.

If one finds themselves in the middle of a fairy's dominion they should be careful not to eat or drink any fairy food, because to do so will give the fairies the right to claim one as their own. Another thing one should remember--if they wish to avoid being claimed by the fae--is to avoid The Forbidden Forest during the winter and summer solstice. It is during this time that the wild hunts are held, and anyone caught by the fairies during it are killed or kept at their leisure. Through, one should know that these aren't the only time and place a wild hunt occurs. They can happen anywhere the fairies dwell, but only seem to really occur outside the forbidden forest and the solstices when the fae wish to put an end to those that have shown themselves to be enemies of the natural world.